



Mahón Menorca cheese risotto and seasonal mushrooms

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Fry the chives in a clay pot with a little oil. When it is golden brown, add the rice and let it cool a little. Add the white wine and cook for 3 minutes, until the alcohol evaporates. Add the vegetable stock while stirring continuously. Halfway through cooking, add grated cured Mahón-Menorca cheese and a little butter. Shortly before it is done, add the previously fried mushrooms and seasoned with hot paprika and mix. To serve, decorate with cured Mahón-Menorca cheese flakes. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>500 g of bomba rice</li> -||- <li>100 g of cured Mahón Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>2 onions</li> -||- <li>250 ml of white wine</li> -||- <li>100 g of mushrooms</li> -||- <li>500 ml of vegetable broth</li> -||- <li>30 g of butter</li> -||- <li>Paprika</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca semi-cured cheese lollipops

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Grate the cured Mahón-Menorca Artesano cheese. On a baking sheet, distribute skewer sticks. Put a small mound of grated Mahón-Menorca cheese on one end of each toothpick. Heat in the oven at 180 ºC for 5 minutes, without stopping to watch so they don't burn. The mound flattens into a lollipop shape. Take out of the oven and let stand about 5 minutes until they cool. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>Cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>Wooden skewer sticks</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Roasted potatoes stuffed with semi-cured Mahón Menorca cheese

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Wash the potatoes well without removing the skin. Wrap the potatoes in transparent paper and put them in the microwave until they are soft. Chop the onion, season with salt and pepper to taste, and soak it in olive oil. Chop the ham into small cubes and add them to the onion. With a small spoon, empty the potatoes a little and fill them with the mixture and the grated cheese. Then roast for 15 minutes in the oven and serve. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>250 g of Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>150 g of serrano ham</li> -||- <li>6 medium potatoes</li> -||- <li>1 onion</li> -||- <li>Olive oil</li> -||- <li>Salt and pepper</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Delicious Mahón Menorca cheese packages

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Cut the ham and Mahón-Menorca cheese into pieces. Place them on one end of the brick paste wafer and fold it into a small package. Blanch some leek strips and, once dry, close the packages with them. Paint the packages with beaten egg and bake at 200 ºC for about 8 minutes. Serve with a little bit of cane honey. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>100 g of Mahón Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>100 g of ham (York)</li> -||- <li>6 brick pasta wafers</li> -||- <li>25 g of cane honey</li> -||- <li>1 egg</li> -||- <li>1 leek</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Whole wheat pancakes with Mahón Menorca cheese sauce

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-For the pancake batter: mix the egg with the sugar, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of cinnamon, sunflower oil, and milk. In another container, mix the flour with the yeast. Add the liquid mass to the flour and mix without leaving lumps. Heat a pan and make the pancakes on both sides. -||- -||-For the cheese sauce: heat the cream with the Mahón-Menorca cheese in a water bath until melted. To finish, leave the ham to dry in the oven until crisp. Cut the squash into thin slices and iron them. Place by making a strudel with the pancakes, the pumpkin, the ham, and the Mahón-Menorca cheese sauce. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>100 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>100 g of whole wheat flour</li> -||- <li>10 g of sugar</li> -||- <li>30 g of sunflower oil</li> -||- <li>1 tablespoon of cinnamon</li> -||- <li>200 ml of fresh cream</li> -||- <li>100 g of ham</li> -||- <li>150 g of pumpkin</li> -||- <li>100 ml of milk</li> -||- <li>5 g of baking powder for baking</li> -||- <li>1 egg</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca semi-cured mini cheese pizza

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Put the warm water, add the yeast, and melt. Once melted, add the flour, oil, and salt, knead until compact and add more flour until it no longer sticks to the fingers. Chop the tomatoes and garlic, and with a little oil and sugar, simmer until the tomato is cooked. Grate the Mahón-Menorca cheeses and mix them in equal parts. After you have kneaded the dough and let it rest, covered for half an hour, give it a round shape. Add the fried tomato and the Mahón-Menorca cheese and roast it for 25-30 minutes at 180 ºC. Top with more grated Mahón-Menorca cheese and finish with the oregano. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||- -||-<strong>For the mass:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>400 g of flour</li> -||- <li>200 ml of water</li> -||- <li>20 g fresh yeast</li> -||- <li>A pinch of salt</li> -||- <li>Flour to sprinkle</li> -||- <li>2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-<strong>For the sofrito:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>10 tomatoes</li> -||- <li>2 cloves of garlic</li> -||- <li>40 ml of oil</li> -||- <li>40 g of brown sugar</li> -||- <li>Oregano</li> -||- <li>Salt</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Macaroni au gratin with Mahón Menorca cheese

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Fry the ham in a frying pan with the tablespoon of oil. Add the tomato, season, and cook for about 30 minutes until the sauce thickens. Cook the macaroni in a saucepan with plenty of saltwater and for the time indicated by the manufacturer. Drain it well and distribute it in a source. Add the sauce and mix it with the macaroni, so that everything is homogeneous, and distribute the Mahón-Menorca cheese, previously grated, on top. Put the tray in the oven to gratinate until the cheese is melted and toasted to our liking. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>300 g of macaroni</li> -||- <li>500 g of tomato</li> -||- <li>100 g of diced ham</li> -||- <li>100 g of cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>Salt a tablespoon of olive oil</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese and tomato jam puff pastry

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Cut the puff pastry using a glass or a cutter of 6 or 7 cm in diameter. Prick the puff pastry with a fork, leaving a 1 cm margin around the entire outside without pricking. Put a layer of tomato jam on the puff pastry and sprinkle with a little basil. Then cover the tomato jam with a few small pieces of Mahón-Menorca cheese, add a drop of honey, and half a walnut on our preparation. Bake for about 13 or 14 minutes, with the oven previously heated to 180 ºC, and ready to be tasted. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li><span style="font-size: 1rem;">1 puff pastry plate (9 units come out)</span></li> -||- <li>Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>Tomato jam</li> -||- <li>Honey, walnuts, and basil</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mini cheeseburger with Mahón Menorca cheese

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Chop the capers and mix with all the ingredients indicated for the hamburger. Make the units the desired size. Peel and julienne the onions and put them in a saucepan with the butter and sugar over low heat, until they have a deep golden color. Cut the Mahón-Menorca cheese into thin slices and put a slice on each hot burger and the onion confit on top. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>Mahón-Menorca semi-cured cheese</li> -||- <li>500 g of minced meat</li> -||- <li>40 g of capers</li> -||- <li>40 g of mustard</li> -||- <li>1 egg yolk</li> -||- <li>Salt and oil</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-<strong>For the candied onion:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>3 o 4 medium onions</li> -||- <li>35 g of butter</li> -||- <li>50 g of brown sugar</li> -||- <li>Mahón-Menorca semi-cured cheese</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Salad of contrasts with Mahón Menorca cheese

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-<section class="wrapper-bloques"> -||-<div class="container"> -||-<div class="row"> -||-<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-4 contenido"> -||-<div class="row"> -||- -||-Wash and cut the selected lettuces and place them on a large plate. Dice the cheese and turkey and half an apple in half-moons, and cut the walnuts into pieces. Place everything on the lettuces. On the other hand, mix the oil, the juice of half a lemon and the thyme in a cup of coffee. Beat until smooth and add to the salad. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li><strong></strong>Various types of lettuce</li> -||- <li><span style="font-size: 1rem;"></span>½ apple</li> -||- <li>100 g of turkey</li> -||- <li>150 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>5 walnuts</li> -||- <li>Oil, lemon and thyme</li> -||-</ul> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</section>

Baked Mahón Menorca cheese dumplings

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Grate the Mahón-Menorca cheese and mix it with the tuna. Put a teaspoon of the mixture on each wafer and seal it with the help of a fork. Place the dumplings on the oven tray and beat an egg with which the dumplings will be painted. Bake for about 15 minutes until golden. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:<a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a></strong> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div></div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>1 packet of wafers</li> -||- <li>100 g of Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>3 cans of tuna in brine</li> -||- <li>1 egg</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese burritos and sausage

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Cut the Mahón-Menorca cheese into cubes and cut the sausages into small pieces. Sauté it in the pan until the cheese melts. Heat the pancakes and assemble the burritos. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:<a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a></strong> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div></div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>150 g of Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>150 g of turkey sausages</li> -||- <li>2 wheat pancakes</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese sponge cake with berries

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Mount the egg whites until stiff and set aside. In a bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar, oil, yogurt, and diced Mahón-Menorca cheese. Incorporate the flour mixed with the yeast with the help of a sieve and stir with a spatula. Add the egg whites with the help of the spatula making smooth and enveloping movements. Pour into a mold and in the oven previously heated to 180 ºC, bake the mixture 40 minutes until when sticking a toothpick, it comes out clean. In a container, put the berries with the sugar and half a glass of water, reduce it to the fire and strain it with the help of a Chinese. Accompany the sponge cake portions with the red fruit sauce. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>100 g of Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>2 eggs</li> -||- <li>1 plain yogurt</li> -||- <li>55 g of olive oil</li> -||- <li>110 g of flour</li> -||- <li>½ sachet of yeast</li> -||- <li>50 g of sugar</li> -||- <li>¼ bag of berries</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese Royal with trumpets and sprouts

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li><strong>Cured Mahón-Menorca cheese Royal</strong>: Bring the cream and milk to a boil and add 200 g of diced cheese, until it melts, pass through the fine sieve, add the agar-agar, leave to a light boil, fill the glasses and let set.<strong></strong><strong></strong></li> -||- <li><strong>Trumpet cream:</strong> Sauté the 200 g of trumpets with a light touch of olive oil, add a little thyme, moisten with the ham stock, crush, strain, and rectify the flavor.<strong></strong></li> -||- <li><strong>Crispy cheese:</strong> Grate the other 100 g of cheese, spread it over Silpat, and oven it at 100º C until crisp.<strong></strong></li> -||- <li><strong>Assembly: </strong>On top of the royal curd in its container, add the trumpet cream, insert the crispy cheese, some sautéed mushrooms, and the pea sprouts.</li> -||-</ul> -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||- -||-<a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a> -||- -||-</div> -||-<ul> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">100 g of cream</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">100 g of milk</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">300 g of cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">3 g of agar-agar</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">200 g of black trumpets</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">200 g of jam broth</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">Pea sprouts</li> -||-</ul> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Vic fuet tartar with semi-cured Mahón Menorca cheese

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Cut all the ingredients into very small squares. Mix them in a bowl and season with the oil. Form into oval balls, like ice cream, and place them in tasting spoons. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>130 g of fuet</li> -||- <li>25 g of tomato</li> -||- <li>25 g of Figueres onion</li> -||- <li>60 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>10 g of olive oil</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mini Fondue of Mahón Menorca cheese with beef fillet

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Cut the beef fillets into cubes of about 20 g and season them with the aromatic herbs and the rolled garlic. Mark them with the help of a blowtorch, giving them a touch similar to that of grilled meat. Place them on the skewers and reserve them inside the shots. Cut the cheese into small cubes to make it easier to melt. Melt the cheese in a water bath together with the cream, without stopping stirring. When it is about to cream, cover with the cheese the skewers that we have placed in the shots. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||- -||-<a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>2200 g of beef fillet</li> -||- <li>200 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>400 g of liquid cream</li> -||- <li>1 garlic clove</li> -||- <li>2 g of aromatic herbs</li> -||- <li>1 g of pepper</li> -||- <li>1 g of salt</li> -||- <li>10 skewer sticks</li> -||- <li>10 shot glasses</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Sobrasada Parmentier with egg and Mahón Menorca cheese

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Cut the beef fillets into cubes of about 20 g and season them with the aromatic herbs and the rolled garlic. Mark them with the help of a blowtorch, giving them a touch similar to that of grilled meat. Place them on the skewers and reserve them inside the shots. Cut the cheese into small cubes to make it easier to melt. Melt the cheese in a water bath together with the cream, without stopping stirring. When it is about to cream, cover with the cheese the skewers that we have placed in the shots. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong><a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a> -||- -||-</div> -||-<ul> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">2200 g of beef fillet</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">200 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">400 g of liquid cream</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">1 garlic clove</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">2 g of aromatic herbs</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">1 g of pepper</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">1 g of salt</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">10 skewer sticks</li> -||- <li class="col-sm-6">10 shot glasses</li> -||-</ul> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Arugula spaghetti and tender Mahón Menorca cheese

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Peel the apple, remove the core and the seeds and cut into small cubes. Cut the arugula into julienne strips. Grate the tender Mahón Cheese. In a tasting spoon place a base of arugula and on top of it the apple, previously seasoned with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with grated Mahón cheese on top. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong><span style="font-size: 1rem;"></span> -||-<ul> -||- <li>120 g of tender Mahón Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>90 g of apple</li> -||- <li>40 g of arugula</li> -||- <li>1 g of salt</li> -||- <li>1 g of pepper</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese cannelloni and foie micuit

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-Pass the foie Micuit through the crusher until you get a creamy texture. Cut the cheese into thin slices and stretch the slices on a flat surface. With the help of a pastry bag, place the Micuit in the center of the cheese slice and wrap following the same procedure as in a traditional cannelloni. Reserve the cannelloni in the fridge, and once cold, cut them to the desired size. To finish, season with a few grains of fleur de sel and serve it warm. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong><a href="https://www.quesomahonmenorca.com/es/recipe/" class="boton-secundario"></a> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>10 thin slices of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>250 g of foie micuit</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Eggplant stuffed with Mahón Menorca cheese

<span><strong>PREPARATION:</strong></span> -||- -||-We split the eggplant horizontally and empty it. We cut the zucchini and scratch the carrot. In a paella, we smother the eggplant, zucchini, and carrot. Fry the onion and tomato, and add the spices. Grind all the ingredients together with the egg to carry. Fill the eggplant with the mixture and cover it with bechamel. Grate the Mahón-Menorca cheese on top and grill it in the oven for 10 minutes. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li><span>For 2 people</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>100 g semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 eggplant</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 small zucchini</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 carrot</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 egg</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 small onion</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>1 ripe tomato</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li><span>100 ml of white sauce</span> -||-<span></span></li> -||- <li>Parsley, oregano, thyme, and olive oil</li> -||-</ul>

King Prawn in Chaud Froid cheese Mahón Menorca

<div class="row"> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-• <strong>Seafood sauce:</strong> Sauté the vegetables, in the casserole with a little olive oil, garlic, onion, chopped carrot, add the tomato without skin or seeds, so that everything is well preserved, add the prawn heads, sauté, flame with the brandy, wet with the water, cook for 60 minutes, strain and reduce to the consistency of a sauce, at the end add a touch of butter to give it shine. -||- -||-• <strong>For the King prawns:</strong> Peel the prawns, remove the sandy part, clean and dry, steam slightly with a touch of olive oil. Let cool and bathe with Mahón-Menorca semi-cured cheese cream. Boil the 200 g of milk with the 200 g of grated semi-cured cheese, a little salt, once the cheese is melted, strain and add the jelly, leave give a slight heatstroke. We reserve to bathe the prawns. -||- -||-<strong>•</strong><strong> Rose Puree:</strong> We prepare a syrup, add the rose, bring to a boil, add the rose marmalade and the agar-agar, let stand, cool in a mold. We crush very fine to obtain a puree. -||- -||-• <strong>Assembly:</strong> Add the prawn on the plate, which we will have covered with the cream cheese, we have small points of rose jam, the prawn sauce, julienne of roses and small tender shoots. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||- -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul> -||- <li>4 King prawns from San Carlos de la Rapida</li> -||- <li>200 g of milk</li> -||- <li>200 g of semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>Salt and pepper</li> -||- <li>15 g of vegetable jelly</li> -||- <li>100 g of rose water</li> -||- <li>40 g of sugar</li> -||- <li>1 organic rose to Juliana cut</li> -||- <li>2 c.s of rose jam</li> -||- <li>2 g of agar-agar</li> -||-</ul> -||-&nbsp; -||- -||-<strong>FOR THE SAUCE:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>1 onion and 1 carrot</li> -||- <li>2 cloves of garlic</li> -||- <li>2 ripe tomatoes</li> -||- <li>King prawn heads</li> -||- <li>50 cc of brandy y and 1 l of water</li> -||- <li>50 g of butter</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>

Mahón Menorca cheese semifreddo with chocolate and wine

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||- -||-<section class="wrapper-bloques"> -||-<div class="container"> -||-<div class="row"> -||-<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-4 contenido"> -||-<div class="row"> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-Put the jelly to soak in cold water. Beat the yolks with the sugar and the lemon peel. Grate the Mahón-Menorca cheese and chop the chocolate. Heat the milk until it boils and pour it over the yolks. Put everything on the fire until it reaches 50 ºC. Make sure it does not boil. Add the drained gelatin, the cheese, and the chocolate and mix well so as not to leave lumps. Let cool and add the cream, mixing gently. -||-For the wine sauce: reduce the wine with the brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon until it thickens. Put the cream in the molds and cover with the base of the cake cut in a circular way. Let stand in the freezer for about 3 hours. Disassemble the cupcakes and glaze them with the warm red wine sauce. Leave in the freezer to set. Take out about 40 minutes before serving. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS</strong>: -||-<ul> -||- <li>100 g semi-cured Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>300 g sponge cake base</li> -||- <li>4 egg yolks</li> -||- <li>300 ml of whipped cream</li> -||- <li>300 ml of milk</li> -||- <li>1 grated lemon peel</li> -||- <li>80 g of sugar</li> -||- <li>180 g of brown sugar</li> -||- <li>300 ml of red wine</li> -||- <li>60 g of dark chocolate</li> -||- <li>2 teaspoons ground cinnamon</li> -||- <li>8 g of jelly sheets</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</section>&nbsp;

Spaghetti sushi with Mahón Menorca cheese

<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li><strong>For the potato sauce:</strong> dice the potatoes and the onion into slices; add them in a pan with the hot oil and cinnamon, salt, and add hot water until covered. Cook until tender. Take out the cinnamon and beat adding the cream and the grated Mahón-Menorca cheese.</li> -||- <li><strong>For the sushi:</strong> boil the chard leaves and cool them. Make a stir with the prawns, salt, and pepper. Put them on transparent paper and steam them for about 6 minutes. Boil the pasta in salted water for about 11 minutes. Drain it and cool it well. Spread the spaghetti on a sheet of transparent film and paint with the melted butter. Put the chard on the spaghetti and roll well. Wrap them with transparent paper and let them rest for about half an hour.</li> -||- <li><strong>To serve:</strong> put the potato sauce at the bottom of the plate and the sushi on top. It can be decorated with roasted seeds.</li> -||-</ul> -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>150 g of Mahón-Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>9 Peeled king prawns</li> -||- <li>200 g of potatoes</li> -||- <li>70 g spaghetti</li> -||- <li>½ onion</li> -||- <li>4 small chard leaves</li> -||- <li>120 g of fresh cream</li> -||- <li>30 g of butter</li> -||- <li>1 cinnamon stick</li> -||- <li>Olive oil</li> -||- <li>Salt and pepper</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div>

Delicious homemade Mahón Menorca cheesecake and Mascarpone

<strong>PREPARATION:</strong> -||-<div class="col-sm-6"> -||- -||-For the base of the cake, crush the cookies very well, put them in the mold and add the previously melted butter. Knead so that everything is well mixed and avoid traces of dry cookie. Spread this paste in the mold making a thin base all over the base and the sides. Set aside in the mold. Beat the cream, the cheeses, the curd, the sugar, and the eggs very well until the mixture is homogeneous. Add the mixture on the base of cake that we have reserved. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 170 ºC and let it bake for 45 minutes. -||- -||-<strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong> -||-<ul> -||- <li>100g semi-cured Mahón Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>150 cured Mahón Menorca cheese</li> -||- <li>350 g cookies</li> -||- <li>Mascarpone cheese</li> -||- <li>750 ml of cooking cream</li> -||- <li>250 g of sugar</li> -||- <li>100 g of butter</li> -||- <li>1 packet of curd powder</li> -||- <li>2 eggs</li> -||-</ul> -||-</div> -||-<div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs"> -||-<div class="caja-receta"> -||-<div class="receta-borde"> -||-<ul></ul> -||-</div> -||-</div> -||-</div>



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    Ctra. Es Grau, km, 0.5
    07700 · Mahón · Menorca
    Illes Balears · España
    Monday to Friday: From 8.00 am – 3.00 pm.
    (+34) 971 36 22 95